Modern Slavery: Why businesses cannot afford to ignore it!

By BCBF19 (other events)

Tuesday, May 21 2019 9:00 AM 12:00 PM BST

Humans are high profit and low risk ... Modern slavery and human trafficking is not simply a global problem; it exists here in the UK. However, it is extremely difficult to correct a problem that you cannot see. Sir David Metcalf, Director of Labour Market Enforcement, does not think businesses currently do enough to tackle the issue, and we are therefore likely to see significant changes in this arena in the near future. This event will hear from speakers from different organisations attempting to tackle this issue, and will discuss why it is so important that organisations are aware of modern slavery, and what they should be doing in order to detect, prevent and eradicate modern slavery in their own organisations and supply chains.  

The event is aimed at anyone responsible for their people and/or supply chain in their respective organisations, including directors, senior HR, recruitment and procurement professionals, irrespective of their industry or sector.  

Attendees will leave with both a greater understanding of what modern slavery and human trafficking is. It will also provide attendees with the tools to tackle modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking both in their workplaces and supply chains that they can take back to their workplaces in order to try and achieve buy in from those in control. 


9.00 – 9.30am - Registration and networking.  Breakfast will be available.

9.30 – 11.30am - Speaking slots

11.30 - 12.00pm - Networking

12.00pm - End


Susan Banister, Head of Business Development – Slave-Free Alliance/Hope for Justice

Beverley Smith, Employment Partner – George Green LLP

James Bird, Commercial Partner – George Green LLP

Victoria Wilde, National Tactical Advisor - National Crime Agency

Mailing Address

Creative Industries Centre, University of Wolverhampton Science Park, Glaishier Drive, Wolverhampton, WV10 9TG